Home Service- Floor Consultation

The greatest flooring brands are all available at Florida Best Floors. Upgrade your home's furnishings and ornaments without leaving the couch. Benefit from a no-cost in-house evaluation and consultation right away. When you shop with us, you won't have to worry about any sales techniques or high-pressure tactics. If you shop about, you'll find that our rates are lower than everyone else's. As we don't have a physical location, we can offer you lower prices than brick-and-mortar establishments.

Home Service- Floor Consultation

Flooring Installation Residential- Commercial

Having a new floor put in might end up costing you a pretty penny. If done correctly, it has the potential to boost the home's livability, curb appeal, and resale price. It might be annoying and perhaps even have to be redone if something goes wrong. In the event that you have all of the necessary parts and are looking for an installation, we can help. We're available to install flooring for you at any moment and at a fair price.

Flooring Installation Residential- Commercial


Just how desperately do you long for a brand new countertop in your kitchen? The kitchen may be the place where you need to "Fall in Love" again. If you are sick of gazing at your old, broken countertops while you cook, quartz, marble, or granite worktops are excellent alternatives. If you're looking to quickly build equity in your house, a kitchen remodel is a great investment since it increases both the market value and the likelihood that you'll be able to sell it.


We Bring The Showroom To You! We Are Floor Specialist So It Doesn’t Matter What You Floor Need Is. We Do It All.!! At The Best Price Guarantee!

Who Are We?

Florida Best Floors is a locally owned and operated business with 10 years of expertise as a flooring services provider. Established in Weston, FL, our company was born with the desire of providing clients with the highest quality flooring choices in the market and prices that have no competition. As a full-service flooring contractor, you can count on us for all of your residential and commercial floor installation needs.

Trained & Certified Flooring Contractor

The installers we use are professionals in every sense of the word. They will act professionally from the moment they set foot on your premises, making every effort to limit inconvenience to your tenants and employees. You may also trust in the high standard of our services. We are fully insured and bonded, and provide a one-year warranty on our labor. We also install worktops and bathrooms in addition to flooring.

Diverse Services

Florida's Best Floors is happy to offer a wide variety of flooring services to potential customers.

  • Bathroom Remodels
  • Wood Installation
  • Small Carpentry
  • Carpet Installation
  • Vinyl Installation
  • Marble Installation
  • Subfloor Repair
  • Laminate Installation
  • Tile Installation
  • Marble Restoration
  • Wood Refinish

Economical Rates

If you shop about, you'll find that our rates are lower than everyone else's. Due to the fact that we are not tied down by the costs associated with maintaining a physical storefront, we are able to offer you lower prices than our rivals. We will match or beat any written estimate from a credible competitor if the promised quality of materials and workmanship is comparable.


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