We are top of the line service providers that are skilled to offer the best exterior painting so don’t fret and try our services. As a creative and professional exterior painting service provider to do repaint your house, Sunrise Construction is exactly where you need to go! We have a creative and professional crew and members who work devotedly to provide our customers with the best of interior painting services around Seattle WA. Exterior painting is different from interior painting, as exterior paint has to withstand the harsh weather conditions and other external factors. We understand this difference and use the finest quality paints specifically created to endure the harsh realities of the external environment. We believe in 100% customer satisfaction and promise to put in extra effort to achieve it. Call us now!
We are a skilled team of professionals that is at your disposal with the top-notch remarkability making sure that remodel project is handled with care. We make sure that only top-rated materials are applied when the remodeling job is carried for your bathroom. Our professionals have been remodeling bathrooms for many years and their experience has taught them a lot. They are well adept at handling all kinds of remodeling projects.
Mon - Fri 9 AM -6 PM
Sat 9 AM-1 PM
Sun By Appointment