Black Tie Moving

Black Tie moving is an organization that provides moving services. We are specialized in commercial Services, Furniture Moving, Local Moving, Virtual...

3214 9th Ave SW, Huntsville, Alabama, United StatesClosed Now

Professional Moving Services

Moving can be frustrating, time-consuming, aggravating, and annoying…shall we go on? So make your next move easier by scanning our personalized list of the top local moving contractors and companies in Huntsville, Alabama. We searched for local moving companies that are efficient, economical, and organized so that you can shift hassle-free. Trust and safety are something we value, we only recommend those that guarantee the safety of your belongings and no damage during transportation and loading/unloading. To verify that these companies are trustworthy we made sure these movers have experience in all types of moving from long-distance moving to short-distance and also, who value the treatment and facilitation of your expensive belongings. These companies are all licensed and insured so you can rest easy knowing that nothing will be in harm's way to your valuable goods during your move. Moving is very hectic for families. Why not take ease with a moving company that does half the work for you? All you have to do is drive yourself over to your new place! Select from our provided list of the top moving contractors and make your life a little bit easier. Choose now and loosen up the inconvenience of your moving process with reliable and speedy service!

Do they have insurance and a license?

In order to work as a moving company, movers need insurance and licenses to operate their vehicles. They need commercial auto insurance to cover their truck as mandated by the state you reside in. They should also offer more than two insurance options for your item's safety.

How long have they been in business?

These movers have been in business for a number of years and have immense experience regarding long-distance and short-distance moves--so you can know that you are in good hands!

How do I find a reputable moving company

You should always check customer reviews in order to find a reputable moving company so that your items are delivered safely. Never hire a company that does not have a prominent website or any information on certifications/licenses.
