How to Grow Roofing Company Using Facebook Ads?

    How to Grow Roofing Company Using Facebook Ads?

    Digital tools have opened up exciting opportunities for roofing businesses to expand and scale. This being said, some tools can be highly effective for those who are developing an enterprise with a small budget. One such tool is Facebook Ads, which can be a powerful method to increase your reach and find new customers to improve your profit margins.

    Why Choose Facebook Ads?

    Facebook is an enormous site. It holds vast potential for residential roofing contractors. Marketing on Facebook has seen a massive increase in popularity over the past few years, and many businesses are taking advantage of it. As a roofing Facebook ads contractor for residential homes, you're doing your company a disservice if you don't use Facebook. These are mind-blowing facts that will help you understand the magnitude and reach of Facebook.

    How to Grow Roofing Company Using Facebook Ads?

    Pick the Appropriate Purpose

    Pick the appropriate purpose for your ad. When you're putting together your ad, it's essential to pick an objective. First, it's the purpose of your advertisement. What do you hope people do after seeing it? The most common goals include "to enhance brand recognition," "to get more site users", or "to boost conversions to your site." The reason for this is that you can track the progress of your campaigns and predict the future course of action based on that. For instance, if you've got a roofing tech SaaS business, you can predict your future revenue based on the performance of your ad campaign — only if you've set revenue growth as a goal.

    Facebook Advertising – Grow Roofing Company With Facebook Ads

    How to target Facebook ads for roofing? Experiment! Facebook advertising is a fantastic method to experiment with different marketing strategies to determine the most effective for your roofing business.

    Create a Thank You Page

    Pages will be used to inform the new leads that we have their contact information and what their next steps will be, and it will also be the page with our tracking code that lets us know that our Facebook Ad campaign knows it is generating the conversion (more on this later). Also, it would help if you spent time improving your website's conversion rate. 

    Boost the Posts You Post on Facebook for a Wider Group of People

    To increase your reach on Facebook, consider incorporating boost posts into the roofing marketing plan. You can post informative content and photos of your company for a small amount with more people interested in the roofing services your business offers.

    However, don't enhance an article to increase the post's popularity and visibility to boost. Instead, you must ensure that the center has the proper characteristics to draw attention and encourage interaction between your business and your target audience.

    High-Quality Images

    Utilizing high-quality images is essential today. There is no longer a time when you could upload unreliable photos from your iPhone 4 and get away with it. The great thing is that there are numerous resources available in this regard, and they're all free.

    Using a site like Canva to create your advertisements is among our preferred tools. If you're looking for stock photos, several websites can help, such as Unsplash and PicMonkey. There is no need to invest hundreds of dollars (if anything); however, you require high-quality images and videos.

    Offers and Promotions

    Although it isn't easy to discern between promotional and informational, research shows that what is more effective than pictures are promotions and offers. Promotions and offers are only appropriate for your Facebook ads roofing after you have established your demographic of choice.

    Pages for Landing

    On a landing page the page we will communicate to people who click on our Ad through Facebook. In addition, this page will offer additional information regarding our service and service to convince the potential client to input their contact details. If you're short on funds for landing page software, you can create a standalone page for your website. Your advertisements must guide the viewer to the destination they want when they click them. These websites are known as landing pages. The website's landing pages should focus on helping the user move further through the sales funnel. Two key elements must be included on your landing page:

    • Benefits: The landing page copy should highlight the advantages of using your service (more secured roofing, more attractive roofing materials, safe service, etc.).
    • Conversion: The copy on your landing pages should entice visitors to engage in action (schedule an estimate or sign up for the newsletter, make a purchase, etc.).

    The landing pages should be brief and straight to the point. Remember, you're not looking to create a novel, but you wish to make people aware of your product's value and motivate them to act.

    Facebook Statistics

    • Over 2 billion Facebook users
    • More than 4 million advertisers are on Facebook
    • Average Facebook Ad CPC (Cost per click) $0.64
    • 1.15 billion mobile users
    • Average American uses 40 minutes a day per day on Facebook


    Are Facebook ads effective for roofing?

    The truth is that Facebook's ads perform. With the latest updates, such as exclusion control and an updated Conversions API that allows you to import data directly from your server to Ads Manager, and transparency about the information Facebook collects, the social media platform isn't showing any signs of slowing down.

    Are Facebook ads effective for contractors?

    Facebook ads are indeed effective with contractors. However, there are various types of Facebook advertisements, and when it comes to contractors, it is essential to note that not all are created equal.

    How can I create roof leads using Facebook?

    When searching for how to grow a roofing company using Facebook ads? Make sure to create a Facebook advertisement for your company that links to your website and includes the number to contact or an email questionnaire that Facebook users complete. Choose the ideal group that represents the location and demographics you are serving.


    Suppose you've been seeking ways to make your roofing company stand out among the hundreds of other roofing companies within your market growing roofing companies with Facebook ads. In that case, roofing might be one of the most effective marketing methods.

    But before you plunge into spending money, make sure to establish clear goals for your campaign, identify the best market, and create an attractive proposition. Facebook Ads are a highly effective way to advertise your roofing company. When discussing how to grow a roofing company using Facebook ads there are many advantages that Facebook can offer over other sites. Navigate CityLocal 101 for finding the best contractors.