Estate Sales Dawsonville GA

Estate Sales

Are you trying to sell a complete estate, including all of the belongings? You've arrived to the right location! My Yellow Bird has been doing estate sales in Dawsonville GA. We'll help you determine the value of each of your possessions and display them in the best possible light so that you get the maximum money. We can say this with confidence because we have been successful at it for over a decade.

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Estate Auctions Dawsonville GA

Estate Auctions

My Yellow Bird is a family-owned and operated estate auction company in Dawsonville GA. Because we have over 12 years of expertise, we know how to advertise items in such a way that people feel compelled to compete with one another. There are also online auctions. Our estate auctions last 14 days from start to end. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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Senior Transition Dawsonville GA

Senior Transition

To move into an assisted living facility, do you have to sell your home and everything in it? We understand how difficult estate sales may be for seniors because of our years of expertise. As a result, we provide complete estate sale services, from initial marketing through pricing and selling. Have we managed to persuade you to collaborate with us? Please get in touch with us!

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