Solar Panel Installation – Invest in Better Days!

Solar Panel Installation – Invest in Better Days!

The electricity from the grid is based on fossil fuels, and based on current environmental hazards, the faster we get rid of fossil fuel electricity, the better it is for us and the world. Therefore, our professionals at AIS Solar have been providing the finest solar panel installation services in Pooler, GA. We aim for every citizen to go solar. We prefer solar energy, free of carbon emissions, as our primary energy source. Call us to get an estimate now! 

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Ranking Solar Company Dreaming of Renewable Energy for Everyone!

Ranking Solar Company Dreaming of Renewable Energy for Everyone!

Taking the first and foremost lead in Pooler, GA for a clean, safe, and renewable energy source for our town's residents, AIS Solar has been working tirelessly to turn the city independent of grid electricity. Our solar company deals in solar panels, solar battery backups, installation, repair, and much more. We provide the finest solar services to contribute to less electricity bills for you and fewer carbon prints for this environment. Call us today! 

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Tesla Power Wall – Your Partner During an Outrage!

Tesla Power Wall – Your Partner During an Outrage!

Solar panels produce energy from sun rays, then how will we use energy during the night? Easy! AIS Solar got this! With our Tesla power wall installation, you will have an uninterrupted supply of energy all through the night and on cloudy days in Pooler, GA. It stores the energy produced by panels during the day to use at night or during an outrage. Our Tesla power wall comes with a 10-year warranty, an aesthetic look, and a safe and sleek build. Call us right now!  

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