Affordable Yard Junk Removal Services!
A yard is a peaceful place where you can spend quality time with your family and friends. If it becomes cluttered with leaves and debris, its beauty is certainly compromised. This is why you must hire professionals like Mel Tree Service in High Point, NC. We provide yard junk removal services at an extremely competitive pace. Our expert haulers are skilled, passionate, and equipped to clean your yard area. We ensure not a single person is left behind after services. Call us!
Trust Our Tree Stump Removal Services!
Tree stumps have devastating impacts. They do not allow new generations of trees to grow. Also, their roots can destroy sewer lines. This is why you must hire the tree stump removal services of Mel Tree Service in High Point, NC. We have provided the latest removal machines to our professionals. Using these machines, ensure that tree stumps are completely removed from your yard. Hire our services now!
We Perform Yard Cleaning to Perfection!
Yard waste prevents your soil from receiving the required sunlight, water, and nutrients it needs. This is why professional yard cleaning is a must. Mel Tree Service is a reliable name for cleaning yards. We remove each and every piece of junk in your yard. We are an efficient and prompt service provider in the area. This is why people in High Point, NC, always hire us for their junk removal needs. Schedule a meeting with us now!

Our Yard Junk Removal Services Are the Best in High Point, NC!
Junk is a dangerous customer; its accumulation destroys your mental peace and also exacerbates stress levels. If your yard is full of rotten leaves or other waste, it must be annoying to you. It can also clog your drain pipes. This is where Mel Tree Service helps you out with our exceptional yard junk removal services. We are equipped and experts to remove everything from pine straw and rotten leaves, junk, stumps, and everything in between. Our efficient and reliable workforce always reaches your yard on time and leaves no room for error. Contact us in High Point, NC.
Hire Our Tree Cutting Services
Trees are important for human health and have several environmental impacts as well. But when a tree reaches its age, it sometimes becomes a liability. In a yard, for example, if an aged tree is present, it does not allow the younger plants to grow. Does not allow the required amount of sunlight and nutrients to reach them. This is why cutting them is a necessity. Mel Tree Service offers reliable tree cutting services in and around High Point, NC. Our experts are trained professionals and are equipped with high-tech tools to cut your trees with ease and efficiency. Call us for more details!
Mel Tree Service has been operational since its inception in 2002. We are a locally owned and operated junkyard cleaning company operating in and around High Point, NC. We provide a diverse range of services, including yard junk cleaning services, tree planting, tree care, tree pruning or trimming, tree planting, stump removal, stump grinding services, along with yard cleaning, yard junk removal, junk debris removal, etc. Our mission is to bring back the quality and elegance of your yard. This is why we offer prompt and affordable services to you. Hire our services now!