Emergency Tree Service For Well-Maintained Trees All Year Round!

Emergency Tree Service For Well-Maintained Trees All Year Round!

A lawn is what anyone sees when entering your Dallas, TX, property and what should they see there? Healthy and beautiful plants and trees. A single diseased tree can affect your lawn’s aesthetics, and functionality, and lower your property’s value. This is why let the L & T Landscaping & Tree Services crew visit your property to assess its trees and lawn. We want your lawn to be a selling point of your property, hence endeavor to equip it with healthy plants and trees, exhibiting the positive health of your lawn. If we see any decaying, infested trees, we’ll see how precarious their condition is and will offer the right solutions at the very moment. So, hire our emergency tree services before selling your property, as a single damaged tree can make potential buyers change their decision. 

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Tree Fungus Treatment That Swiftly Cures Your Trees

Tree Fungus Treatment That Swiftly Cures Your Trees

Fungus leads to tree failure, as it decays roots, leaves, and trunks. Last but not least it stops photosynthesis, hence plant death. Don’t fear! L & T Landscaping & Tree Services’ Dallas, TX, team has tree fungus treatment for all types of fungal diseases no matter the tree and the stage of ailment. We don’t use any sprays and teas, rather have specially made solutions that aren’t available in the market and also can’t be found on the internet. Our remedies will surely make your trees fully recover hance bearing fruits and flowers like before. Hire us.

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Emergency Tree Removal To Protect Your Healthy Trees

Emergency Tree Removal To Protect Your Healthy Trees

High winds and storms can weaken your trees, leading to falling branches that may lead to damaging the property and its occupants. So, if you see a storm-damaged tree at your Dallas, TX, space hire L & T Landscaping & Tree Services for emergency tree removal. We’ll do a risk assessment of the damaged trees. If repairs can serve the purpose, we’ll do that. If the damage is severe and removal is the remedy, then we’ll do so. So, don’t let a storm-damaged tree cause further inconvenience. Hire us.

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