A Detailed Checklist for Exterior House Maintenance

    A Detailed Checklist for Exterior House Maintenance

    Your house is your ultimate legacy. It's every corner is your asset and requires your care. The outside of your house is surely the first thing people will notice. It provides the protection you need in harsh weather or natural calamities. You can make it a shield for your family protecting against the difficult conditions outside.

    Due to its strong safeguarding purpose, it is often prone to different problems. You ought to timely check before it's too late. Make timely minor adjustments before you need bigger replacements. Here is a checklist we have prepared for you to know the proper maintenance guide for your exterior.

    Things that require your attention

    Different parts of the house exterior play a different role. They all serve a purpose of their own and require a thorough inspection. You have to consider these tips to keep your investment in good shape.


    Painting the exterior is surely a great way to increase the durability and overall appearance of your house. It is sometimes worn out due to harsh weather and requires adjusting. Paint renovations are necessary for keeping the house exterior most vibrant and alluring. 

    Proper paint maintenance can result in the long-term tenure of things.

    Here are some points you may ponder for better paint maintenance:

    • Keep the things clean from dirt and debris. You can prevent the paint damage by doing so. Washing your house exterior once in a while can prevent the paint from fading or splintering.
    • Regularly keep inspections and act promptly. You can seek professional hand or you can do it yourself.
    • Caulking areas can be preserved through painting. It is important to check the caulking leaks and apply paint accordingly.  
    • Keep a check on exposures. Certain areas are more prone to something then other. You can retouch them once in a year.

    Roof repairs

    Your house roof is your ultimate protection against everything. A good roof is akin to nothing. A good investment is a crucial point for roof maintenance. You have to spend proper time, energy, and materials on it. Here are some practices you need for a better long run of your house roof.

    Gutter clean

    The roof is designed to drain water from the roof through the gutters. But sometimes it clogs with other substances. These substances make water drainage difficult and also cause backwater flow. You need to inspect the gutters and make sure they are clean and free-flowing. Make sure that they are securely fixed and does not get stuffed.

    Shingle adjustments

    Shingles are one of the main parts of a roof. It can be made of different things. The general end product helps the roof to drain water and protect the interior. A timely inspection is the cheapest protection for a shingle. There are so many types of shingles based on the material of their construction. All shingles generally last a good fraction of the time with little maintenance. You may do the little repairing yourself but can hire a professional for a bigger replacement. General the asphalt, wood, composite, and metal shingle ranges from $4 to $15 and have a life span of 20 to 50 years. They may require monthly to annual maintenance.

    Removing the organic debris

    A moist and damp roof can be a vulnerable site for algae and lichens to grow. Moss can also grow and can hold a large share of water in it. These growths can cause shingle rusting or may expose the edges to water. Algae can cause ugly spots on your roofs decreasing its overall appearance.

    Keeping a roof free of algae, mosses, and trees can increase its longevity a lot. You can use bleaches to remove any ugly spots. Cut the trees and plants blocking the roof gutters.

    Fence and sidings

    Like other parts fences and sidings also serve the purpose of security along with visuals. They can add to your overall house worth. Not properly maintaining them in time may cause a need for bigger replacements. Here we have gathered some key points you can keep in mind for a prolonged fence lifespan and durability

    • Check for timely repairs - you need a timely assessment of your fence to stop them from deteriorating. Look for any signs of damage and make amendments accordingly. These timely adjustments will stop the need for bigger replacements.
    • Protection from harmful surroundings- a fence that is well kept from surrounding threats serves more purpose. You have to look for any signs of water drainage or debris that can be a threat to your fences.
    • Fix the broken or missing parts- sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, a part of the fence is broken or sometimes missed. You can replace the broken part. You can also fix the rusted parts with paint. 
    • Seek professional help- you may be able to fix some minor repairs yourself, but sometimes professional help is indeed needed. Quit saving money and seek a professional hand for a better fence lifespan.

    Landscape maintenance

    Landscape management is a primary source of attraction for your house. Maintaining it can add charms to your house tenfold. It is not just an upkeep, but rather a full plan design. You can get help from these tips to unlock your landscape to its fullest.

    1. Prepare the soil: Taking care of your soil is an important aspect of maintaining the landscape. Spreading compost in the vegetable plot annually can replenish the nutrients and feed the microbiology. 
    2. Water when necessary: water surely is an essential component of your garden but its unnecessary use can cause more harm than wonder. You need the right quantity of water for every plant. 
    3. Remove the weeds: weeds are an inescapable part of your landscape. They can cause an ugly appearance to your previous garden. You have to remove them timely before they start reproducing.
    4. Kill insects and pests: like weeds, it is not possible to entirely prevent pests from your landscape. But you can maintain a healthy balance between plants and insects before needing a large pest control.


    House exteriors are something you can't overlook if you wish to overall maintain your house. You can not be a lazy person if you want a strong house that is also aesthetically pleasing. You have to look at every part in detail for good maintenance. From landscapes to roofs,we hope that we have provided a thorough guide for house exterior maintenance. So quit slacking and get cracking!

    James Cooper

    I am a brand reputation manager at citylocal101, reside in New York City and is in the forefront of developing and putting into practice competitive strategies to elevate companies. Since graduating from Arizona State University, I was immediately pr...