The Unavoidable Fiber Cement Siding Problems

    Fiber Cement Siding Problems

    Back in the 1980s, fiber cement was first used as a siding material. It was basically introduced as an alternative to asbestos cement siding. However, back then who knew it would become the most famous siding option in the 21st century? But it indeed has!

    The market is filled with all types of fiber cement siding options and contractors do not get tired singing their benefits, however, as a homeowner, it is important for you to know the other side of the picture as well. Yes, even the famous fiber cement have their own set of demons!

    Our job is to convey to you all the drawbacks of using fiber cement siding and the problems associated with it. Trust us, we are doing you a favor. Like wood, fiber cement siding also has some disadvantages. Keep reading to find out!

    1. The purchase and labor cost makes fiber cement the most expensive siding option on the table

    Let’s begin with what matters the most. Your money. Your budget. The total cost. So let us put it right out there; fiber cement siding is HIGHLY expensive.

    Firstly, the price of the materials is on the high end. Since the construction requires cement, high-quality sifted sand, and cellulose fiber materials.

    At the same time, the installation of the fiber cement itself is expensive because of the labor required. In fact, it will cost you between $5-$15/square foot. Alarming, right?

    All this put together makes this siding option a thing of the royals. Aluminum, wood, and vinyl sidings are relatively affordable.

    2. The maintenance of fiber cement siding is no easy feat

    So, we have already established that fiber siding will cost you an arm and a leg! Even if you manage to pay for it and think you are done investing. You are wrong!

    The upcoming maintenance of the fiber cement siding is another expense you should be mentally prepared for.

    Firstly, pre-painted fiber cement sidings are highly expensive, in fact, they can cost an arm and leg. So, homeowners conventionally paint the siding once it is installed. Hence, painting is an additional expense.

    There is another problem associated with the paint job. Since the cement, sand, and cellulose form a complex mixture, it is imperative you paint the siding within the first three months of installation. The sooner the better.

    Whether you choose to paint the siding afterward or purchase a pre-painted one, you will frequently need to apply a fresh coat of paint to maintain its aesthetics. The paint can rust, dampen, and fade over time.

    On the other hand, vinyl and aluminum sidings do not have this problem.

    Moreover, fiber cement gets dirty pretty fast and requires frequent cleaning. The dirt can prominently be seen and disrupts your home aesthetics. All in all, its maintenance is a tedious job.

    3. Not every fiber cement in the market is of standard quality

    Just because it is an expensive option, does not mean that all fiber cement is of market standard quality. And honestly, you can never be sure of the quality until this siding is installed and fixed in your home

    When the components such as sand, cement, and fiber are mixed together, it can generate inconsistencies.

    However, this is not the worst of the problems. The real issue comes when the fiber cement is being installed. Its installation is no simple task. Even though different companies have their respective ways of doing the job but as a layperson, you can never judge which method is most efficient.

    The installation plays a major role in maintaining the aesthetics of the siding and hiring a professional company may not suffice. You may need to purchase additional products and other elements to keep the siding in place.

    So, be prepared for another invoice in your pile of fiber cement bills!

    4. Fiber cement is not your friend if you are going energy-efficient

    The world of the 21st century is all the rage about energy-efficiency. However, fiber cement is not a great option if you are going energy-efficient especially compared to wood or vinyl sidings.

    With fiber cement, the heat will penetrate your home during summers, and chilly air will come in during winters. So, be prepared to get all cozy with those extra blankets and heaters inside during the snow season!

    In addition to feeling the weather, your energy bills will skyrocket. Your air conditioners and heaters will have to work extra to get you the required temperatures.

    Once again, we hate to say this but your pocket will ask for mercy with fiber cement siding!

    5. It does not have the same visual appeal as wood or vinyl

    Let’s be honest, the beauty and elegance of wood and vinyl siding are priceless; one that fiber cement siding cannot compete. It does not have the beauty and aesthetically pleasing finish that other siding options have.

    The main benefit of opting for wood or vinyl siding is that they form well-defined edges and lines that you simply cannot achieve with fiber cement even if you hire the best siding contractors in town.

    The only way you can uplift the look of a fiber cement siding is by adding colorful paint over it, perhaps some patterns. But, that’s about it.

    Moreover, even if your siding expert manages to make the fiber cement look pretty, it will begin to lose its charm the moment paint begins fading or chipping off.

    So, if you cannot maintain the top-notch maintenance routine, one that the fiber cement siding requires, the outlook of your home will suffer.

    Unavoidable Fiber Cement Siding Problems

    Fiber cement, when compared with other options, is high maintenance, less compatible, and has lesser energy performance. For their asking price, you’d expect a better product.

    If you are wondering what other options you have, vinyl siding is the name to consider. Vinyl can stand up to the harsh weather and save you a lot of money in the form of electricity bills. In addition to this, it is long-lasting, extremely tough, and low maintenance.