How long does it take to clean a house professionally

    move in cleaning, move out clean, cleaning cost per square foot, standard clean and move out clean, clean a bathroom, hiring a housekeeper, Signs of a bad cleaning lady,

    Cleaning your house can be a hassle, especially if you have a tight routine--waking up, making breakfast for the kids and taking them to school, going to work, and coming up to make a lazy dinner or, if you’re feeling up to it, eating leftovers. Luckily, cleaning for some is a state of mind and they are passionate about helping individuals tidy up their home.

    You could benefit from move-out home cleaning services done by a professional. Yes, you read that right! There are professional cleaners out there that know just how to remove that stubborn stain on your stove and can take all the cat hair out of the crevices of your carpet, making it look brand new!

    Follow along and find out if your house needs cleaning, how much it will cost to hire a professional cleaner and the process of professional cleaning!

    Signs Your House Needs Cleaning 


    If you have been sneezing or coughing lately, the dust build up from your unkempt place might be causing allergies. Allergies can be caused from a plethora of reasons but, mainly come as a result of environmental factors. If your house isn’t dusted regularly or if you have a carpeted space which isn’t routinely vacuumed, mites and dust will build up causing health issues. 

    Musty Odor

    Musty odors are an apparent sign of grease build or liquid spills. Bacteria build up can also lead to bad smells. If you have unpleasant smells and no sign of spills or dirt, it might be coming from behind the stove or another hidden area. 

    Grease build up in kitchen

    A kitchen that is used everyday needs to be cleaned everyday to maintain a sanitary environment. Grease builds up because of frequent cooking oily foods and neglect to clean after cooking. 

    Stained floors

    Stained floors are an obvious sign your house needs cleaning. Not only are they unpleasant to look at but can be uncomfortable to walk on. Who wants to walk on sticky and muddied floors? Cleaning them will give your home a new look.

    Items like clothes, toys, and wires are littered everywhere 

    If you have kids, we get how hard it is to pick up after them. But eventually the procrastination to tidy up thrown clothes and scattered toys piles up and next thing you know, you’re stepping on legos every room you enter and tripping over wires!

    How much does it cost for house cleaning 

    Professional house cleaners take into account the cost of supplies and time, however for the most part, the cost of house cleaning is calculated per square foot. An ordinary house cleaning rate per square foot costs between $0.10 and $0.17 on average. The cost of a deep cleaning might vary from $0.11 to $0.22 per square foot.

    Stages of Professional House Cleaning

    To the trash it goes!

    The professional cleaner will first pick excess garbage and litter from the floor. Tackling this first will give them access to the floor area and clear the space to make it more functional. They usually come with bags so you can organize what to keep, throw away, and donate.

    Dusting from top to bottom

    Dusting is the next step in the cleaning process. Starting from the top crevices of your ceiling to the mantle of your fireplace, and down to the corners and baseboard of your floors, the professional cleaner will make sure all the build up from dirt and unclean air will fall to the floor--later to be swept away.

    From kitchen to bedrooms and baths, putting everything in order

    Things that are where they don’t belong such as pillows and cushions on the floor, blankets and beds unmade, chairs and furniture moved around, as well as, plates that are dispersed all along the kitchen counters will be put away before the real deep cleaning begins. Bedding and dishes will need to be washed and furniture that isn’t aligned as it should be will be placed properly. 

    Hope(fully) devoted to de(Grease)ing the kitchen

    The kitchen will usually be cleaned first. Both kitchens and bathrooms are considered “wet” areas that need to be at a priority before the rest of the floors are wiped as they can track in mud and debris. Your kitchen counters will be scrubbed and degreased along with your stove. The cabinets will be reorganized at your request and the grout from your tiling (if applicable) will be scrubbed away. The kitchen will be one of the primary focuses for the cleaner as it must remain sanitary and a healthy place to eat and cook in.

    Keeping your sanctuary clean: bathroom tidy up

    The bathroom is usually done second to last as it requires wiping down floors and getting in on the dirtier and grimier side of things. Don’t worry though! Professional cleaners prevent contamination and make sure everything's up to par regarding sanitization. Just like the kitchen, the bathroom counters will be scrubbed, the mirror will seem shiny and new, and the floor grouting will be scrubbed away, revealing a clean and tidy bathroom. 

    The best for last--floors

    The floors of the entire house are cleaned last. If you have a carpet, the professional cleaner will ensure the carpet cleaning is done to perfection. Animal hair and dust will be extracted and stains will be scrubbed away. For hardwood or laminate floors, the proper chemical mixture will be implemented to ensure that your floors aren’t damaged from harsh products and are also gleaming with cleanliness. 

    How long does it take to clean a house?

    A house clean up can take anywhere from 1 hour to a whole day. It depends on the size of your house and how much mess is accumulated. To save money and time, try picking the debris and clearing the dishes up yourself. If it isn’t possible, your professional house cleaner will handle the job as efficiently as possible.

    To learn more on Cleaning, Just take help from the guide "How to clean your home's most touched areas"


    1. How long does it take to clean a house?
      It might take anywhere from 45 minutes to a whole day to tidy your home. It depends on how big your property is and how much clutter is present.
    2. How long does it take to clean an apartment?
      You should allocate three hours each week for basic cleaning if you live in a standard three-bedroom house or apartment.
    3. How much does a housekeeper cost?
      On the lower side, the hourly rate for housekeepers ranges from $15 to $40. However, the average hourly pay for house cleaning services across the country is between $25 and $90.
    4. How much does moving out cleaning cost?
      A simple move-out cleaning will often cost between $100 and $400. Depending on how big and how well-maintained the home is that is being moved out of, the cost will vary. The price will increase if the residence is larger and unclean.

    James Cooper

    I am a brand reputation manager at citylocal101, reside in New York City and is in the forefront of developing and putting into practice competitive strategies to elevate companies. Since graduating from Arizona State University, I was immediately pr...