5 tools you must have in your car lockout kit

    5 tools you must have in your car lockout kit

    If you've ever been locked out of your car, then you know the importance of having the right tools on hand. It is a must-have for anyone who wants to be prepared for a car lockout situation. It contains a variety of tools and items that can help you get into your car quickly and safely. In this blog post, share the five essential tools that should be included in every car lockout kit.

    With these tools, you'll be prepared for any unexpected car lockout situation.

    1. Slim Jim

    A Slim Jim is an essential tool for any car lockout kit. It is a long, thin metal strip with a hooked end, and can be used to unlock car doors without using a key. To use the Slim Jim, you need to slide the hooked end between the window and the door panel of the car, and then use it to manipulate the locking mechanism. This type of car lockout tool kit has been around for many years and is still an effective and useful method for unlocking car doors when you have lost or misplaced your keys. With a Slim Jim in your kit, you'll always have a way to get back into your vehicle.

    2. Wire coat hanger

    Having a lockout kit for cars is essential if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to unlock a car without the key. But what are the must-have tools you should include in your car lockout kit? One of the most popular items that should be included in any kit is a wire coat hanger. 

    Wire coat hangers are an incredibly useful tool for car lockouts because of their strength and durability. The wire can be easily manipulated into different shapes, allowing you to create a hook that can be used to reach inside the car window and unlock the door from the inside. It's important to note that this method can only work if the door isn't already locked from the inside. 

    Once you've fashioned the coat hanger into the desired shape, you can use it to unlock the car door by inserting it into the crack between the window and the door. Make sure to use caution when attempting this technique, as you don't want to damage any part of the vehicle or yourself. Once you've successfully unlocked the door, you'll be able to open it and access the car's interior. 

    Including a wire coat hanger in your car lockout tool kit is an essential step in ensuring that you're prepared for any situation. With this handy tool, you can easily unlock a car without damaging any of its components or risking injury.

    3. Locksmith Wedge

    When it comes to a car lockout tool kit, one of the essential items you should have is a locksmith wedge. This is a simple but effective device that works to create a gap between the door and the body of your car, allowing access to unlock the door from the inside. The wedge works by using a small plastic tool to place between the door and the window frame, creating just enough of a gap to be able to slide a slim Jim or another lockout tool into the car's interior. The locksmith wedge is one of the most versatile car lockout tool kits you can find, and can be used on almost any car model.

    4. Air Wedge

    One of the most important tools you must have in your car lockout kit is an air wedge. An air wedge is a simple device that helps create a gap between a car door and its frame, allowing you to access the interior of the vehicle without damaging it. The air wedge is made of an inflatable plastic bladder that fits between the window and door frame, creating a small gap that can be used to access the door locks. These car lockout tool kits allow you to quickly unlock your vehicle without risking any damage to the exterior or interior of the car. It’s an essential tool for any lockout kit and is especially useful if you don’t have the right key for the door.

    5. Inflatable wedge

    When you find yourself locked out of your car, having the right car lockout tool kit can make all the difference. Lockout kits typically include a variety of tools to help you gain access to your vehicle quickly and safely. One of the most essential tools in any car lockout tool kit is an inflatable wedge. 

    An inflatable wedge is used to create a gap between the window and door frame of your vehicle. This allows you to insert a slim jim or another unlocking tool into the car, giving you access to the inside of the car without causing any damage. The inflatable wedge is easy to use and store in the car lockout tool kit, making it a must-have tool for any emergency situation. 

    Not only is an inflatable wedge useful in unlocking a vehicle, but it is also incredibly safe to use.

    By slowly creating a gap between the window and door frame with an inflatable wedge, you can avoid any damage to the car’s paint or exterior. The slow inflation of the wedge also reduces the chances of breakage and provides an extra layer of security when dealing with your vehicle. 

    Having an inflatable wedge in your car lockout tool kit can mean the difference between a successful lockout mission and an unsuccessful one. With this essential tool, you can easily gain access to your car without causing any damage or risking injury. So make sure you have an inflatable wedge included in your car lockout tool kit for those unexpected emergencies!


    When you are in a pinch and find yourself locked out of your car, having the right tools can make all the difference. Car lockout tool kits are designed to help you get back into your car with minimal effort, and provide you with the peace of mind that you won't have to worry about being stranded. With a variety of lockout kits for cars on the market, it's important to know what is included in each kit and how much it will cost you. 

    When shopping for a car lockout tool kit, consider what kind of tools you'll need in order to open your vehicle. Many kits come with slim jim-style tools, which are used to manually unlock car doors by reaching through a window or door frame. Some kits also include a universal key, which allows you to unlock any car with one key. Additionally, some kits come with a wedge and inflator tool, which are used to create an opening between the window and door frame.

    The cost of a kit can vary based on its contents, as some may include additional tools like a long-reach tool or a tension bar. It's important to research the types of kits available and choose the one that best suits your needs. 

    Investing in a car lockout tool kit can save you time and money in the long run, so it is important to make sure you are choosing one that is suitable for your needs. Knowing what types of tools are available and how much they cost can ensure that you get the best lockout kit for your car.

    1. How much does a car lockout kit cost?
      Depending on the type of kit you choose, prices can range anywhere from $15-$200.
    2. What are the benefits of a car lockout kit?
      If you have ever been locked out of your car, you know the importance of having a car lockout tool kit. Lockout kits for cars are essential to getting back into your vehicle quickly and safely, without damaging your car or being stranded. A good car lockout kit should include a range of tools that can be used to unlock a variety of vehicles. This includes specialized tools such as slim jims, lock picks, and other lock-opening devices. Additionally, it should also contain basic tools like screwdrivers and wire cutters that can be used to access your vehicle in non-traditional ways.