Top 10 Home Remodeling & Renovation Trends in 2022

    Top 10 Home Remodeling Trends in 2022

    Home remodeling and renovation are very therapeutic, happening for the mind and soul, and safe for the body and health. Some people opt for a renovation when they are bored of the way their home looks. The dull and stained plumbing fixtures and faucets, the worn-out kitchen cabinets, the warped wall paint, and swollen floorings all play a vital role in sabotaging the aesthetic appeal of your home. Also, with old homes cleaning is extra tiring. 

    Sometimes remodeling and renovation are more than just for the aesthetic appeal, rather become mandatory when the elderly live in a house, or when one has to facilitate the well-living of a severely injured person. Nearly 2.5 million older citizens are treated in emergency rooms at hospitals every year for hip fractures as a result of an improperly structured house.

    A house has to be a safe haven for its residents, but ill-structured and ill-constructed houses can prove to be the hidden snake in our sleeves. There is a report of the death of a large number of people from the year 1992-1999, approximately 18,000 due to ill-structured houses. Every year around 12 million injuries, ranging from mild to severe, are reported within houses that have not been properly structured. Children below the age of 15 and the elderly above 70 years make up most of the population of injured people. 

    Fire is another leading cause of people’s death within their homes. About 2,580 people lost their lives to house fires in 2006. You will be surprised to know that some houses are more likely to catch fire than others. The housing material and design play a pivotal role in keeping you safe from fire. For instance, wooden materials will catch fire easily as compared to metal. Likewise, having a fire exit in your house can help flee the site without causing injuries to yourself and your little ones. 

    The swimming pool near the main door can also have negative repercussions. Like, 300 children between the ages 1-4 drown in the pool water every year. So, having your swimming pools re-installed farther from the main entrance door can help prevent such mishaps.   

    All this makes remodeling and renovation a necessity when one has children or elderly parents at home. No money in the world is worth our family’s safety. Here we have come with a set of ideas to help you make your house practical, safe, and attractive. 

    1- Small Entryway Mudroom Ideas

    Mudrooms are small places used for hanging your coats or changing your footwear. This is a great way to not let dirty shoes touch your clean floors, which isn’t only unappealing to the eyes, but also extremely unhygienic and unhealthy. Moreover, some shoes can have detrimental impacts on floorings. For instance, heels can scratch your wooden floors. No feeling can match the amount of comfort one feels when they take off their heels and slide into their soft casual slippers. 

    A cupboard with all your shoes, keys, and coat that you and your family are wearing for the day is all you need in your mudroom to keep things organized. 

    Match the cupboard material/color with your furniture. In case of little to no space, utilize the area under your staircase. 

    If you don’t have a budget, it is always wise to install a few shelves for the shoes and pretty hooks on the wall for the clothing to get the job done. 

    2- A touch of the ’70s

    Who doesn’t want a reminiscence of the past when looking around their house? The ‘70s interior design is in trend again. Remember your grandma’s home? Cozy and warm, so close to the heart with all the oranges and greens on the furnishing and walls, and the yellow beam of light coming through windows, falling on the furniture and floor producing an effect unmatched by other ages. 

    The wallpapers in those years were colorful, filled with flowers. The cabinets and cupboards are colored in the exact same color as the wallpaper. Matching curtains and tapestry combined with the same colored cutlery and kitchen set cumulatively added to the beauty. 

    You can always take inspiration from the trend in those days and level up your game. 

    3- Custom Outdoor Rooms

    It is an utter waste to not be able to sink in the beauty of the natural light during the day and good weather at night. Closing ourselves in compartments has brought security, but has sort of detached us from nature. Sitting outside during a good sunny day can help absorb Vitamin D to nourish our bones. Also, a cup of coffee in the night with your loved one staring at the stars is worth everything. 

    An outdoor room is not only for increasing the curb appeal, but also a very good place to host dinner or lunch parties. A good place to talk and actually connect to your family and friends, while being in the lap of nature.

    4- Big windows and Doors

    Who doesn’t want their household items to be sun-kissed? The natural light and fresh breeze of air through windows save from spending too much on energy bills. Installing bigger windows lighten up the home. Likewise, bigger doors increase comfort, manifold the aesthetic appeal, and are trendy.

    5- Modern Home Office

    Home offices were once considered to be particular to people working from home only. But with the advent of a pandemic, almost everyone had to experience working at home. 

    If you have a spare room, then install a trendy, all-purpose cupboard with shelves in it to house your books. Install big windows to allow as much natural light as possible. With a home office, you don’t have to worry about keeping your important files and laptop away from your children. 

    You can be productive and earn in the comfort of your house.

    6- Accessory Dwelling Units

    These standalone residences prove to be very beneficial by utilizing the extra space on your property. ADUs can be used by a family member as an apartment with all necessary items, as a guest house, or to be given on rent. 

    These secondary homes can also be constructed in a way that will be suitable for an elderly family member to live independently without having to rely on others. You get to live with your aged parents and still not make them suffer by having to live in a house not properly structured for them. For instance, your floors are too slippery for them, or your bathroom is on the second floor.

    7- Utilizing Spaces for Multifunction

    Limited space is no more a problem with the advent of new techniques and designs in the current age. For instance, you might not have a room for placing your dining table, so placing it in your kitchen can save you a lot of space, and look trendy at the same time. Likewise, merging your kitchen with your living rooms is not only chic but also very practical. You get to cook and still enjoy family time.  

    You might as well feel the need to install a bookshelf with a table at the corner of your bedroom and make a little office for yourself. That way you can work and be productive by being in the most comfortable place of your home.

    8- Modern Minimalism

    “Less is more” is the motto behind this concept. It is about keeping things – the design and structure, as simple and practical as possible. The minimum items inside the house – only the ones you need, and fewer ornaments have a soothing effect on the soul and mind. 

    This concept is getting very famous in interior design.

    9- Collaboration Space

    Modern-day is all about coming up with new ways of trying to utilize less space. Not only collaboration space helps save extra space, but working together helps to be more productive. Collaboration increases capabilities and produces better outcomes. 

    Moreover, for such spaces there are larger tables, multi-seated sofas, you can install common electronic devices to be used by all family members. Doing your office work as your children do their homework and studies in the same room helps create a stronger bond. 

    10- Accoutre Workplace

    Having a place installed at your home where all family members can accouter for a workplace can enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your home. 


    Remodel your house according to the trends in 2022. Install a small entryway mudroom to keep things organized, yet trendy. The colorful flowery interior design of the ‘70s is coming back again. Building outdoor rooms can enhance the curb appeal and are also very functional. Huge doors and windows aren’t only good-looking but also increase comfort. Home offices are trendy, ADUs help keep things good for an elderly family member. In case of limited space, merging different rooms can help. Minimalism is yet another idea to keep things simple yet modish.

    Home remodeling and renovation are more than just enhancing the aesthetic appeal, but is also about making it safe for our elderly parents and children. The ill-structured house has proved to be fatal for their residents. Elderly and children have lost their lives by falling on a slippery floor or drowning in the swimming pool. Improper housing structure makes it difficult for its residents to escape the fire.